Yazoo - Don't Go (cover-info 2023)Yazoo - Don't Go (cover-info 2023)
A song entirely made by Creamware DSP-synths.
"Yazoo - Don't Go" made with only Pro-Tone and Plasma drumsynth, 2008-03-15
The song is made with Creamware DSP-plugin "Pro-Tone" and Creamware "Plasma" as drumsynth. Some sounds are dubbed to be fatter. 9 instances are used totally.
The MIDI-file is downloaded from net (thanks to Hiroyuki Asakawa (tsgaya@mb.infoweb.ne.jp) with only a simple end made by me.
I've noticed that drums are not complete, only bassdrum, snaredrum and handclap are mapped. Snare and clap are joined with MasterVerb from Creamware (Reverb DSP plugin).
It all started with Unease scans of Vince Sequential Circuit's Prophet One (Pro-One) data of the sounds to Don't Go
Unease scans does not exist anymore, so here I found new ones (thanks to pea hicks):
Bass ≫ Bass.wav
Lead-synth ≫ Lead.wav
Seq01 ≫ Arpeggio.wav
Swell ≫ Whrooau.wav
More scans:
I wanted to see how Creamware Pro-Tone sounds like compared to the original Pro-One.
I later changed focus from that!
There are 2 versions, one is my friend's (Don't Go) and the other his 13-year old daughter (Don't Go-2).
Snapshot of the Snapshot of Creamware project. Not the nicest cabling though.
Download Creamware Project.
Preset of Pro-Tone.
Download Cubase SX project.
Yaz - Don't Go - Pea Hicks' Pro-One Version
A quick note about the "percsynth" part. The actual pitches of those notes are skewed a bit from the midi notes,
which I've corrected in a revised version. I've included the revised mp3, but I haven't fixed the midi data itself,
as I'm not sure of the best way to do that aside from adjusting the pitch bend data, which isn't a perfect fix because
it depends on the pitch bend settings of your midi/cv convertor. Anyway, the new mp3 is a quickie cheat fix, where
I just took the audio and pitch-shifted the notes by the correct amount. Those amounts are:
Bb (hi and lo): no change
Db: +24 cents
F: -51 cents
Ab: -36 cents
Pea Hicks mp3-version
Pea Hicks MIDI-version
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